Chop open the humanoid piñata corpse, rip away her skin, then nosh out on what’s inside. The wounds you create “bleed” edible blood. Are the genitals jporn mosaicced like that in real life?

I don’t think that’s a real restaurant in the “Japanese Corpse” picture – the original post at gives its source as a Chinese BBS – Tom ?? – (the Chinese characters might not come through) at – and the people in the photo look more Chinese than Japanese. Although there are plenty of weird theme restaurants in Japan, this looks more like somebody’s apartment or studio, probably some art students celebrating Hallowe’en.
It looks more like someone’s writing in the captions themselves.

Give it ti those sick nips to come up with some sick ass shit like that!!!!!!!!!!!
omg thats hilarious!! I would so do something like that for halloween! XD (minus the naughty parts. nothing would make more of an awkward moment that old uncle dan chewing on some fake genitals at the dinner table.)
people look totally japanese, with no doubt.
kinda funny…but really sick. thats not a real person, tho, is it??? YUCKKKKK!
it's so shock
Its not a real corpse, its a canical sushi place where a fake body inside it has sushi and makes it up for the body organs I read on it its actually in japan, its just like a pinata filled with sushi. Sounds cool just see how it be to eat someone without actually eating someone for holloween that be cool