Independent production company MonsterBuster Entertainment proudly presents the official trailer for its first feature film Invasion of the Undead, an 80’s-style horror comedy in the vein of The Evil Dead and Big Trouble in Little China. Originally slated to release this month, the ambitious $17,000 indie film will now premiere February 10th at Atlanta’s historic Plaza Theatre, with a digital release to follow on March 3rd. Check out MonsterBuster’s Facebook page for updates on the movie and its release.
The trailer showcases the movie’s practical and stop motion creature effects, video game-inspired fights, and colorful cinematography similar to that seen in Creepshow and Italian horror films. It also gives a sneak peek at the upcoming Invasion of the Undead video game, a retro 16-bit-style platformer that will be available for free alongside the movie’s digital release in March.
Partially funded through Indiegogo, Invasion follows Allison, a young woman who gets more than she bargained for when she enlists the aid of two freelance paranormal exterminators to combat an undead infestation in her new home. It is the first film in a planned four-part series and the cornerstone of a MonsterBuster Cinematic Universe in which characters from past and present MonsterBuster productions will cross paths as the series progresses- think a horror version of Marvel or Star Wars.
About MonsterBuster Entertainment
Founded by a group of friends with a lifelong passion for filmmaking, MonsterBuster Entertainment is an Atlanta-based micro budget production company dedicated to the creation of quality genre entertainment. Many of its short films have been featured on television and in festivals such as Tromadance, DragonCon and Buried Alive.