Two innocent children, an ancient curse, and a race against time to save their souls.
THE SACRIFICE summons one of India’s most infamous demons but we need your help bringing it to life! All our productions are independent, original, and locally produced with Chicago talent. Shooting for this project begins November 15th and we need all the support we can get. We have launched a new Indiegogo campaign to help fund the actual production and all contributions, big or small, will go towards the production of this movie. Funding at different levels will get you different perks including being credited as “Executive Producer.” If you’re local, you may have an opportunity to do some work behind the camera or even on camera! We are making movies with absolute independence. No investors, no studios, no bosses. We make them for low cost, and share them with the world for free.
If you want to be part of the production team, click this link:
If you want to watch some of the sadistic films of Ricardo Islas, click this link:
And please, like The Sacrifice on Facebook!
Post Submitted by: Savage Sam
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