When I found out I was lucky enough to be receiving a screener of this film I was pretty excited, and, well, it did not disappoint. This film has a really great story line, that gets very intense and suspenseful. I love that the first half of the movie you don’t really know what to expect. I like that the story isn’t rushed, and builds a sort of attachment to the characters.
And speaking of the characters, I was very impressed that the story only revolves around 2 characters. A lot of stories tend to fall flat with such a small cast, but this movie does a brilliant job. Holt Boggs character was a total badass from the start. For all the injuries he sustained, he was a trooper for making it as far as he did. (And I’m pretty sure he lit a flare on his face) Natalie Wilemon’s character got pretty hardcore towards the end too.
The creatures may not make an appearance until quite a bit into the movie, but their first appearance is a pretty effective jump scare. The makeup was amazing! They blended into the walls so well you seriously don’t see them at first!
Overall this movie is very well written, and I will definitely be watching again. From the great story line to the awesome practical FX that even made ME cringe, I’m hooked.This story knocks ‘The Descent’ out of the park in all it’s twisted glory.