After medical student Mary (the formidable Katherine Isabelle, who excelled as a teen-werewolf in the film Ginger Snaps) finds herself disillusioned with both the poverty of student life and chauvinistic treatment by her peers. She begins to look for an alternative lifestyle that might better reward her surgical skills. A chance encounter at a seedy nightclub opens the door to a lucrative but dangerous side career: performing extreme body modifications for private clients. The allure of easy money and notoriety sends her into the shadowy underworld of illegal surgeries and body modification, leading to horrifying, and yes…bloody consequences!
American Mary is an unexpected blend of bod-mod horror, revenge thriller and psycho-drama, which is enjoyably twisted as well as stylishly directed.
(Check out our review here American Mary)
Directed by Jen Soska and Sylvia Soska, 2012, Canada, 100 mins.