
Arbor Day (Review)

Johnny would die for his environment… now he’s going to make you do the same

Director(s) – Chuck Conry (Door 1 of the 5 Doors to Hell, Screwdriver) and Ryan Grooms (Whistling Jack)
Starring – Ryan Grooms, Sarah Sulfridge, and Ethan Bouldin
Release Date – 2024
Rating – 3/5

I’ve been a fan of Tennessee filmmaker Chuck Conry for sometime now after Wild Eye Releasing sent me his no budget slasher Morbid to review. Since then I’ve been lucky enough to review his anthology Door 1 of the 5 Doors to Hell and his second slasher Screwdriver. It’s been a few years since his last film and Chuck surprised me with a link to his newest film Arbor Day.

While it doesn’t really fit with the Halloween theme, I still couldn’t wait to check it out as October approaches. I want to thank Chuck for sending this one over for me to check out. I truly appreciate it.

**Spoiler alert** The film follows an environmentalist who is turned down by his girlfriend when he asks her hand in marriage. She is fed up with him and his dedication to trees and moves on to someone else. When a colleague of his tries to steal his “secret formula” he finally snaps and starts killing everyone in the name of environmental preservation. **Spoiler Alert**

Chuck and his co-director kept this one pretty lose to their chests. I had no idea the film was shot, edited, and ready for release. I haven’t seen an image or single post about this film until Chuck sent me the link to the film. I love going into a movie completely blind and I appreciate how Chuck didn’t spoil too much with his social media presence.

The acting in this one is a bit uneven but not the worst I’ve seen. The cast is extremely comfortable in front of the camera and their interactions feel genuine. However, there is several times where the cast becomes stiff and the dialogue becomes very awkward. It’s obvious not everyone had acting experience prior to this one. The story for this one is textbook slasher formula. We follow someone who was wronged who then sets out on a murderous rampage. while it is a bit on the goofy side and the humor feels out of place at times I still enjoyed it. I’ve always had a soft spot for no budget slashers and this one does the trick.

Finally, don’t expect a blood bath or impressive practical effects. The kills take place off screen or use very minimal, if any, practical effects. We do get a little bit of make-up effects but that is about the extent of it. Overall, Arbor Day may not be the best slasher I’ve seen but it was a lot of fun. It’s great that Chuck is back behind the camera and hopefully we will be getting more from this genre fan soon enough. Check it out.


(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.

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