
Lionsgate will release the horror/thriller COBWEB exclusively in Theaters on July 21, 2023.

COBWEB is a twisty tale with things that go bump in the night. The filmstars Lizzy Caplan (Mean Girls), Woody Norman (C’mon C’mon), Cleopatra Coleman (“The Last Man on Earth”) and Antony Starr (“The Boys”). The film was written by Chris Thomas Devlin (Texas ChainsawMassacre) and directed by Samuel Bodin (“Marianne”). COBWEB is produced by Roy Lee (Barbarian), Andrew Childs (Salem’s Lot), Evan Goldberg (“Preacher”), Seth Rogen (“The Boys”), James Weaver (Joy Ride) and Josh Fagen (Good Boys).

SYNOPSIS: Eight-year-old Peter is plagued by a mysterious, constant tap, tap from inside his bedroom wall – a tapping that his parents insist is all in his imagination. As Peter’s fear intensifies, he believes that his parents (Lizzy Caplan and Antony Starr) could be hiding a terrible, dangerous secret and questions their trust. And for a child, what could be more frightening than that?

“A night like any other. A street like any other. A house like any other. Mom and Dad sleeping next door… And in the silence… Something tapping on Peter’s bedroom wall. Every night… Tap… Tap… Tap…

With COBWEB, Chris Delvin has given us a clear, cruel tale. With this simple and ingenious device, our team wanted to tell you a childlike and terrifying story. Not bloody and gory, but creepy and gritty. With its walls just a little too big, its pumpkins too orange, its doors squeaking too much and its wallpaper too colorful, the world of Cobweb is not rooted in grounded reality, but in a slightly twisted world. A world seen through the eyes of Peter, its child hero.

Woody Norman guided us through this story with remarkable veracity and sensitivity. Following him was a joy. With Lizzy Caplan and Antony Starr, who interpret the boy’s parents, we worked on a colorful and slightly offbeat performance. To find a tone that was unique and unsettling, as menacing as the evil parents who haunt the Grimm brothers’ fairy tales. And I confess I can still see their big, creepy smiles glowing in the dark. And Cleopatra Coleman is perhaps the only one here we can trust. With her unstoppable truth and kindness. It’s up to her to get us out of this house.

This movie sounds like a dissonant, wobbly nursery rhyme. Like a Halloween joke gone wrong, full of color and menace, where the parents are as rotten as the pumpkin patch behind the house. It’s a twisted little tale, with a malevolent surprise in the middle. A poisoned birthday cake. I hope you enjoy it.”

Sam Bodin


(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.

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