Produced by The Horror Collective’s parent company Entertainment Squad, SLAXX will be making its world premiere at this year’s prestigious Fantasia Film Festival. SLAXX is the latest collaboration between Anne-Marie Gélinas and Shaked Berenson, who brought the world 2015’s cult hit TURBO KID. FilmOption International, the Canadian distributor, has released a full festival trailer.
A possessed pair of jeans comes to life and terrorizes the staff of a trendy, vapid clothing boutique.
SLAXX was directed by Elza Kaphert, who co-wrote the film alongside Patricia Gomez. Gomez produced with Anne-Marie Gélinas with Shaked Berenson acting as executive producer.
The film stars Romane Denis (TRUE NORTH), Brett Donahue (TOTAL RECALL, LIZZIE BORDEN TOOK AN AX), Sehar Bhojani (THE HANDMAID’S TALE), Kenny Wong (TRANSPLANT, TOM CLANCY’S JACK RYAN), Tianna Nori (LETTERKENNY), and Hanneke Talbot (READY OR NOT, RABID).