Unconfirmed reports are circulating around social media that pornographic performer and horror film actor Robert Kerman has passed away. If the rumors are true, he was 71 years old at the time of his passing.
Robert Kerman was one of the top performers during The Golden Age of pornographic movies. He starred in over 150 adult pictures between 1978 to 1988, all while trying to make it in Hollywood as an independent actor.
In between his xxx-rated projects, Kerman starred in a number of horror films as Professor Harold Monroe in Cannibal Holocaust (1980), as Mark Butler in Eaten Alive (1980) and as Lt. Rizzo in Cannibal Ferox (1981). He also held very small roles in The Clairvoyant (1982), Death Mask (1984), Night of the Creeps (1986) and Spider Man (2002).
While we will hope the news is false tonight, we’re sending our thoughts to Robert, his family, friends and fans.