Let Me In is a horror film directed by Matt Reeves and stars Kodi Smit-McPhee and Chloë Moretz (Kick-Ass). This is the remake of the 2008 Swedish film Let the Right One In. The film tells the story of a young boy Owen (Smit-McPhee) who befriends a young girl Abby (Moretz) only to find out the girl is a vampire.
Primarily most horror movies are made to scary the s*** out of you but the most intriguing aspect of this film is the growing relationship between Owen and Abby. One of the first things she tells Owen after they meet is that they can not be friends; more so due to the fact that she has to feed on humans to stay alive but a friendship eventually ensues as the film goes on. Abby being a vampire and Owen obviously being human sets them apart in many ways but I think that actually made the friendship stronger as the two end up having a lot more in common than one would think.
The film mixes horror with a very intricate storyline and it’s very well done. One of the only remakes I’ve seen in recent years that actually reminded me of the original. The director didn’t change much as far as storyline and stayed true to the main them of the movie which is the relationship between the boy and the vampire. The blood and gore wasn’t overdone which is rare in a vampire movie. Overall this movie showed what can be done with an original storyline once the remake moniker is put on an film.
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