The book, written with Ted V. Mikels features the filmmaker’s life story and tales behind every one of his movies, including his last he was working on when he passed away on October 16, 2016.
The book also includes exclusive memories from these actors and actresses that appeared in his movies spanning over 50 years: James McEachin, Maureen Gaffney, Gary Kent, Leslie McRae, Sean Kenney, Sherri Vernon, Barry Hostetler, Tiger Yang, Foster Boom, Rusty Meyers, Sean Morelli, Cara Jo Basso, Volmar Franz, Brinke Stevens, John Baniqued, Donna Hamblin, Anthony Avery, Kellie Karl, Kevin Sean Michaels, Cory Udler, Amanda Jade, Richard Lester, Gary Lester, Beverly Washburn, Mr. Lobo, Fletcher Sharp, Sarah Dunn, Joshua (Peaches Christ) Grannell, Scott Marlowe, Dawna Lee Heising, Drew Marvick, Raymond P. Whalen, Marc Gras Cots, Art Lynch, Grant Philipo, Colie Knoke, Lani Silverman, Jade Satana, Siouxzan Perry, Sharla Rae Satana, Kevin Burke, Liane Langford, Nils Henftling and Arnie Bartz.
The book, 170 pages, paperback, retails for $10.95 and is available on Amazon.