
Serial Kaller (Review)


Director – Dan Brownlie (Self Induced Nightmares)
Starring – Debbie Rochon (Killer Rack), Dani Thompson (Axe to Grind), and Suzi Lorraine (Scavenger Killers)
Release Date – 2014
Rating – 3/5

Tagline – “911 can’t help you now!” and “He’ll ring…your neck”

Indie horror is not that lucrative of a career.  Most filmmakers, actors, and actresses are unable to to support themselves by doing just films alone and have to seek other means to make some cash.  However, there is a few indie horror regulars that have been lucky enough to make a name for themselves and can land enough work to pay the bills.  One name that quickly comes to mind is Debbie Rochon.  This young lady has worked with some of the best directors in the game and has been in some of the most iconic horror films to ever be filmed.  In terms of quality, her career is legendary.  I am always eager to check out a film when I see she is attached to it.

Sometime ago my friends over at Wild Eye sent over the movie Serial Kaller to review.  I didn’t know anything about the film but I did notice Rochon’s name on the cover.  A film from Wild Eye and starring Debbie Rochon was not going to disappoint.  Thanks guys for sending this one my way!


**Spoiler Alert**The film follows a group of young women who operate sex hotlines and cam model for a living.  These women often visit the same night club when not working and have built up an unusual relationship with a waitress there.  She is a little older than them but they convince her to come work with them.  She reluctantly agrees and visits the studio for an interview where she is told she is too old to work for him.  She sees the women that night at the club and they laugh at her.  She shakes it off and goes back to serving drinks.  What they don’t know is, is all their co-workers are being murdered one by one by someone with a bone to pick with anyone who works in the sex industry.  We soon learn why and the killer is not what he…or she appears to be.**Spoiler Alert**

I love Wild Eye Releasing.  I have said that so many times in the past.  If you dig through my Wild Eye reviews you will see just how much I love them.  Their releases range from schlock to extreme horror.  You never know what you are going to get with Wild Eye.  With that being said, I don’t always dig their artwork for the film.  The artwork for Serial Kaller turned me off.  It offered up very little info on the film.  You can only get two things from the DVD cover (Pictured above).  The first is that the film stars Debbie Rochon and it has something to do with phones.  The artwork is bland and very boring.  It needed something more to let the viewer know that it was a raunchy slasher.

The acting in this one is not that impressive.  I have seen a few hundred slashers over the course of my life and I never expect to see an award winning performance when I toss one in.  I expect to see a degree of inexperience and poor directing but this film is a little below average.  Even legend Debbie Rochon feels out of place with her performance.  I don’t know if this was a trying experience for the cast or just another payday but they all show no dedication or conviction in their scenes.

The story for this one is not that original but it is a little more updates, in a sense, that previous films that follow the same story.  We have seen countless slashers over the last 30 years that followed someone, or something, stalking and killing sex workers in one capacity or another.  This film brings it into 2016 where the slasher kill cam girls.  They then knock it back a few decades by turning these cam girls into phone sex operators.  One or the other would have worked but combining the two is a little confusing.  Also, the film has a horrible problem with pacing.  Some of the scenes are painfully slow and several could have been cut out just for the sake of quality.

Finally, the film has several on screen kills.  Some are not that impressive while one or two are pretty fun.  The kills are not original or new but a few are still well worth checking out.  The effects we get for these are minimal for the most part but do their job at making the death work.  Overall, Serial Kaller is another raunchy slasher from Wild Eye.  If you like cam girls and slashers then Wild Eye has one for you.  Check it out.



(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.

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