The Ohio based Concept Media is one of my favorite indie production companies. I first discovered CM way back in 2013 when Burkett and producer Haley Jay Madison were promoting their film Bludgeon. I reached out to their Facebook page and spoke with both Burkett and Madison on several occasions and became friends with the pair. Soon I met Burketts partner at CM, Ryan Stacy. The pair are known for their beautiful camera work and amazing cast that mix horror with elements of thrillers.
Filmography –
Midsummer Nightmares
Watch This
Season’s Greetings
The Sleeping Soul
A Shameless Revenge
Recently, I was able to take a few minutes and speak with Shawn about Concept Media and the company’s future
Horror Society – Since 2012 you have written and directed several horror films that differ from the last. You directed the paranormal thriller The Sleeping Soul, a comedic segment for Theatre of the Deranged II called Panty Raid, the found footage short The Way of the Buffalo, and my favorite of your films, Bludgeon. What made you get into the indie film business and how do you go about writing your films?
Shawn Burkett – Well, it was a spur of the moment thing as far as getting into film. My friend and current business partner Ryan Stacy told me he had written a script for Joe Bob Briggs talent search in 2010/2011. We talked about it, and I did some research and told him we could just make it ourselves.
I’m weird about writing, but then again every writer is lol. I come up with an idea and then find a few good people to shoot some sort of teaser that showcases the main focus or the film. And then once I have something visual, I can write lol. And 9 times out of 10 I try to keep the cast small and think about the budget, as well as how to pull of all the fx in a realistic manner.
HS – You announced a few years back that you wanted to release a slasher in the woods film with one hell of a name. Since then you have tried to work on Don’t Fuck in the Woods with accidents and unfortunate incidents halting production. What can you tell us abut DFitW and when d oyou expect to have it released?
SB – Man, I still cant believe we were attacked by a fucking swarm of yellow jackets, lol. But it was one of those things, that the cast and I tried to come up with a solution to be able to finish, but it honestly it would have been something different. At the moment we’re working on the schedule for the film and the fx, which are going to be even better since fx artist Deryk Wehrley came on to the project this past summer. In addition to the set back, Ayse Howard is once again involved in the project! Our hopes are for a mid September or early October 2016 release.
HS – Now, aside from DFitW, what can fans expect from you, Ryan, and Concept Media in the future? Any other projects we need to keep an eye out for?
SB – Ryan and I are pumped to release Season’s Greeting on December 18th, which is our holiday anthology featuring a new ladies night segment, as well as Elfis 2 and a conclusion to our short film summon that was featured on “watch this”. Other than that we are developing a web series and have 3 additional films slated for 2016, including a feature film titled “Betsy”.
If you want to learn more about Concept Media you can check out the links below!
twitter: @smburkett

If you are the owner of an indie production company, filmmaker, actor, actress, composer, etc then please email me at with the subject “low budget spotlight.”