
Camp Massacre (Review)


Director(s) – Jim O’Rear (Scream Farm, Ghosts of Tennessee) and Daniel Emery Taylor (The Hospital, The Hospital 2)
Starring – Bree Olson (The Human Centipede III: Final Sequence), Al Snow (Overtime, The Penny Dreadful Picture Show), and Megan Hunt (Don’t Fuck in the Woods, Living in Sin)
Release Date – 2014
Rating – 3/5

Tagline – “Survive the night”

Slashers love the woods just as much as they love busty teens that have pre-marital sex and smoke pot so whenever I get the chance to check out a slasher flick that takes place in the woods I refuse to let is slip by.  Also, I refuse to skip any slasher that is a comedy that stars former professional wrestler Al Snow (Got Head?) and retired porn star Bree Olson (gives head).

A few months back I was sent the DVD for the comedy slasher Camp Massacre from the fine folks over at MVD.  Sadly, my old job, my new job, and life got the best of me and the film had to ride the pine until I could make the time for it.  That time finally came after checking out The Mothman Curse.  I went ahead and tossed it in because I knew it would be fun as hell.  Thanks MVD for sending it my way!


**Spoiler Alert**The film follows a a reality television show in which overweight contestants are taken into the woods to compete to see who can lose the most weight.  The contest is hosted by a scummy reality t.v. personality and along for the ride is a smoking hot nurse and doctor.  When a few chubbies fail to show up after their activities, the host brings in a security specialist (Snow) to keep the chunkies herded.  Soon, bodies begin to pile up along with corruption, hidden candy, bulimia, and even romance.**Spoiler Alert**

Camp Massacre is fun and I had a blast with it but I did take it for what it was which is a very flawed slasher that has a hard time trying to figure out it’s place in the world.  The acting in this one is actually pretty damn good by the entire cast.  The film’s co-directors do an amazing job in their roles with both delivering some solid laughs with most there on purpose while others were unintentional.  The remainder of the cast do more of the same just a little toned down.  These two definitely deliver some funny and intense moments.

This is also my first experience with the lovely Megan Hunt and I am now a fan.  A few months back a friend of mine, Shawn Burkett, was informing me that he cast her for his upcoming creature feature Don’t Fuck in the Woods.  I was unfamiliar with her and her work and was slightly unimpressed with the news.  However, after seeing Camp Massacre I can not wait to see her in that film.  This young starlet is so sexy and talented.  She will be a name everyone in the horror scene will know about.  Mark that down.

Now, as for Bree Olsen and Al Snow.  Bree is only in the film for the first three minutes and then dies a death that has nothing to do with the film.  This was a cheap ploy to pull in horny viewers…and it works.  Al has a lot more screen time and his performance is raw.  He is attempting to be a hard ass even though the film already has one such character that is able to pull it off a lot better than he does.

The story for this one has so much potential but fails to actually capitalize on it.  The film had so many possibilities for laughs but let them slip away with the story they went for but they just walked, or waddled, right by them with an attempt to keep the story true to their slasher roots.  The film does keep a good slasher vibe but the laughs went untouched.  With that being said,  the film’s killer is horrendous.  They try to play some laughs with the fat gimmick by using a fried chicken bucket but it comes off as cheap and fails to gather the laughs that was intended.  Hardcore slasher fans will be disappointed with that.

Finally, the film does have several on screen kills but they are not that original or that bloody.  The practical effects in the kills are minimal so the slasher fans checking this one out will be let down.  Overall, Camp Massacre is a flawed slasher that is funny but could have been a lot funnier and bloodier.  However, if you take it for what it is you will still have a good time. It is well worth your time.



(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.

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