
“Vampire Guardian Angels” return with issue #5 Rule of Blood.

61D5FjO4zlLLia Scott Price Releases Issue #5 in “Vampire Guardian Angels” Comic Book Series, Rule of Blood

Bloody, brutal, vicious vampires? Yes please! You’ll definitely get blood and gore in comic book creator Lia Scott Price’s “Vampire Guardian Angels,” a horror-action series. It’s an underground indie comic book that features guardian angels turning into serial killers and vampires who hunt their victims down by listening for people praying for help specifically to a guardian angel. “That’s what makes them serial killers. They can only target the desperate. That’s how they find their food,” Price says.

Sound scary enough? These are evil, homicidal guardian angels with a disturbing twist: a creepy hybrid of angel and vampire equipped with sharp weapons for slicing and dicing their victims. Los Angeles-based writer and “Vampire Guardian Angels” creator Lia Scott Price introduced her unique breed of vampire in a comic series with a refreshingly new and original story-line back in 2012, and she’s now on her fifth comic book issue. In these disturbing stories, there are horrific consequences if you pray to a guardian angel in despair, since you end up summoning one of her slasher vampires.

“Vampire Guardian Angels: Rule of Blood” is the 5th issue in the series, illustrated by artist Andrew Setter and colorist Chad Hammontree. The comic features blood-splattered, black, white and red crime noir-style art. The comics also feature cameos of local metal bands and personalities who she turns into either vampires or vampire victims, all just for fun of course, and it’s her way of helping support, promote and honor the local metal scene of which she is a fan. Local Los Angeles band Sacred Ruins (US), metal promoters Metal Invictus, and metal videographer/photographer site Metal Warzone all have cameos in the comic book.

For Lia Scott Price’s “Vampire Guardian Angels Issue 5: Rule of Blood,” here is the link:

You can find the “Vampire Guardian Angels” Comic Book Series at:


Michael DeFellipo

(Senior Editor)

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