
The Best Things Come in Threes – Happy Birthday to Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, and Vincent Price – True Icons of Fright!


HOUSE OF THE LONG SHADOWS, Vincent Price, Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, 1983, (c) Cannon Films
HOUSE OF THE LONG SHADOWS, Vincent Price, Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, 1983, (c) Cannon Films

Every day here on Horror Society I post horror birthdays for anyone related to the horror genre that I can dig up. But there are some that are too important to only leave for that daily posting, and there are three distinguished gentlemen of horror that truly define the meaning of the words “legends”, “masters”, or “icon” in every sense possible.

Peter Cushing, Vincent Price, and Sir Christopher Lee were all born within two days of each other on May 26th for Cushing and May 27th for Price and Lee. With a combined filmography of over 400 films and well over 200 television appearances between them, these three distinguished gentlemen of horror are three of the finest actors the genre has ever had, along with a few other actors.

Cushing and Price have both passed on but Lee is still alive and well and believe it or not, a busy working actor at 93 years old as of today. He most recently appeared in The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies and is working on a few more films that are yet to be released.

Cushing and Lee are the faces of England’s Hammer Films, they appeared in so many of the studio’s movies, they are known for those films more than anything else. Vincent Price was the venerable actor of so many classic roles from The Invisible Man Returns to Roger Corman’s Edgar Allen Poe series of films.

These three icons of fright have all played down their contributions to the horror genre and film in general, mainly because they are and were true gentlemen and didn’t have huge ego’s. It is simply impossible to express how deeply these three actors have changed the face of horror films in their illustrious careers, so much they will never be equaled by any of the following generations of actors.

So it is with great honor that I wish the warmest of birthday wishes to Sir Christopher Lee and two of his friends, Peter Cushing and Vincent Price who are gone but never forgotten.

Cushing, Lee, and Price

Michael Juvinall

I am a Horror journalist, producer, ravenous Horror fiend, aficionado of the classic Universal Monsters, Hammer Horror, Werewolves, and all things Horror.

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