
The Ghouligans: The Mini-Series (Review)


Starring – Pete Bune (The Ghouligans! Super Show), Sean King (Man Into Vampire), and Michael Koscik (Lost Suburbia)
Release Date – 2013
Rating – 4/5

I have found so many amazing things my short time writing for Horror Society.  I have seen so many great movies, web-series, and mini-series sent to me for review.  Sometimes they reach out to me to review their work while other times I come across something that looks so fucking amazing that I have to check it out.  The Ghouligans: The Mini-Series is one of those instances.

Denver Johnson, a friend of mine, reviewed the mini-series and was the one that turned me onto The Ghouligans.  I check out his review and then turned to Facebook where I found their page.  I did a little looking and was pretty fucking impressed by what they had established.  I reached out to them and they were kind enough to hook me up with a copy of volume 1 and 2.  Thanks guys!


**Spoiler Alert**The series follows The Ghouligans.  A trio consisting of a werewolf named Wolfgang W. Wolfgang, a Frankenstein creation named Boris Stein, and a slow walking zombie named Void.  The three are in a band but the show focuses around their various exploits involving waking a engineering mummy, hanging out with a disco vampire, dancing with the Ghouli-Girls, and partying it up before monster hunters attack.  All these episodes are broken up by fake movie trailers and parodies of commercials from yesteryear.**Spoiler Alert**

I love when someone has an idea that takes us back in time instead of trying to give us something “groundbreaking” and original.  The Ghouligans did just that.  It took us back to the age of the variety show but threw in some of the classic monsters that made horror of that time so enjoyable. It then threw in some cheeky humor and clever writing.

The acting in this short is hit and miss.  The series main antagonists have had years to perfect their characters and it shows along with the show’s co-stars like the mummy, Count Flemming, Kril Gil, and a few others but some of the shows smaller roles did show their inexperience.  I really enjoyed watching The Ghouligans and any episode featuring Count Flemming.  These characters are well crafted and perfectly fitted to the actor.  The story for these episodes are not that original but that is not the point.  The point of this show is to give you extremely fun characters in typical horror and sci-fi situations.  The series also gives us some pretty clever television parodies and fake trailers.  A lot of fun energy and creativity went into this series and it shows.

Finally, the film does not have any on screen kills but it does have tons of great practical effects and amazing sets.  The film looks like a modern take on The Munster and The Addams Family.  This is very impressive when you consider the current state of indie horror.  Overall, The Ghouligans: The Mini-Series is phenomenal.  This series is fun and something that can be watched over and over without losing it’s luster.  I can not recommend this enough so check it out!



(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.

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