
/demo_n Premieres Exclusively on FOUND TV This April 1st

Dare to press play. FOUND TV proudly unveils the world streaming premiere of /demo_n, a terrifying new vision in horror that erases the boundaries between reality and a malevolent, cursed video game. Directed by Gary Francis Roche, /demo_n delivers a suspenseful, riveting, and fun experience that will keep viewers on edge.

A New Vision in Found Footage Horror

Gaming and found footage horror have become a popular fusion in the genre, and /demo_n is the latest film to join this growing trend. By combining in-game sequences with real-world terror, the film immerses viewers in a nightmare where the lines between player and prey begin to blur.

A FOUND Exclusive

As a FOUND TV exclusive, /demo_n is set to reach its ideal audience—devotees of the found footage genre and lovers of experimental horror. “The fact that it’s getting a global release on a streaming platform catered toward an audience that this film is targeted at, as well as drawing attention to the gaming community who may want to watch it too, [is what excites me],” says Roche.

Filmmaker Q&A with Gary Francis Roche

Q: What inspired the story of /demo_n?
A: “The concept was based on the short film of the same name I made prior that came organically to me out of sheer desperation of wanting to create something. Having recently specialised in animation, I thought of an idea about a cursed video game.”

Q: What was the biggest challenge you faced while making /demo_n?
A: “There was a bottomless pit of challenges throughout the entire process of this production from its very inception to the bitter end and beyond. But I would say that out of those series of obstacles I faced, the one that stands out to me I found the most challenging was post-production. Not only did I edit the entire film I was also the character designer who drew the avatars in the game, created the layouts and even animated and composited them together. The whole editing timeline was like a city of a house of cards.”

Q: Were there moments during filming that really stuck with you?
A: “The standouts during filming that stuck with me was just how well the cast and crew all clicked within those three days at that AirBnb. We were like university students living on campus trying to make a movie over the summer, in the best way possible.”

Q: If you had to describe /demo_n in just three words, what would they be?
A: “Suspenseful. Riveting. Fun.”

Watch /demo_n Exclusively on FOUND TV (, making its streaming debut on Tuesday April 1st.


(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.