
5 Christmas Horror Movies on Tubi for Your Holiday Watch-List

If you need a break from mainstream horror’s go-to Christmas horror movies like Black Christmas and Krampus, then here is a small list of available films that you can watch for free on Tubi. I mean, that’s what I did while stoned and drinking cheap wine.

As a fair warning, a lot of these titles are the literal definition of campy and most are very low budget productions. However, Horror Society was originally founded to support the indie guys, so I actually quite like the first two titles. It gets a little blurry after that…

Now… get to watching!

1.  Santa Jaws (2018, director Misty Talley)

2.  Santa Isn’t Real (2023, director Zac Locke)

3. Santastein (2023, director Manuel Camilion)

4. Christmassacre (2015, director Mike McMurran)

5. The Elf (2016, director Tristan Price)

Michael DeFellipo

(Senior Editor)

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