

The trailer for the highly anticipated vampire comedy movie from A & P Films (Angie De Alba and Paul Ragsdale), Onlyfangs, has just dropped.

Anyone familiar with the previous works of A & P, know that their films play like love letters to the horror films of the 80’s and 90’s. So, its no surprise that Onlyfangs also has many easter eggs and nods to classic vampire films.

“Onlyfangs was written out of our love for 80’s and 90’s vampire movies like The Lost Boys, Fright Night and From Dusk Til Dawn. But we also have some cool homages to the 70’s Hammer vampire films with some of the wardrobe, like the cool looking gowns that the vampire girls wear during their ceremonies. We even wanted to pay homage to lesser known vampire movies like Vampire Call Girls, Embrace of the Vampire with Alyssa Milano and Innocent Blood by John Landis!”

Onlyfangs is the filmmaking duo’s 5th feature film and from the looks of the trailer, it appears to also be their most ambitious movie to date. After successfully raising $30K on their crowd funding campaign, they are well on their way to their ultimate goal of $50K.

Angie: “This is definitely the biggest film we’ve ever produced, we’ve never raised this much money from a campaign before. The wardrobe alone took so much time to collect. We have a huge cast, a lot of different locations, so many people coming into California from out of state; we had some big ambitions with this one!”

Paul: “And we are so thankful to our Fang Club; all of the supporters of this film. We have received so much love and support from friends who played extra roles, family who made home cooked meals onset, fans who preordered physical copies, musicians who are providing amazing music, and business owners who let us come into their establishments with fake blood flying everywhere, and of course the awesome cast and crew for working with us during those long days!”

A majority of the movie has been completed; shot over a period of 6 days in late July.

Paul: “We have about 15 percent left of the movie to shoot, and we still have a lot of great perks left on the campaign so if can get some of the remaining perks claimed, we can wrap up this movie by the end of the year and release it early 2025!”

The film is about a wanna be monster hunter who discovers a group of female vampires has moved into his town, with sinister plans for its citizens. The monster hunter and the sexy vamps form an unlikely alliance and go into business together, to create a new app designed to lure new victims.

The film features Kansas Bowling, Drew Marvick, Nina Lanee Kent, Jessa Flux, Ellie Church Adriana Uchishiba, Meredith Mohler and Ginger Lynn Allen.

Check out the trailer below and the indiegogo campaign!


(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.

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