
Exclusive Clip From LOVE KILLS, Out Now on VOD

Breaking Glass Pictures, a prominent distributor of independent cinema, is thrilled to announce the release of its latest film, Love Kills. Directed, written, and produced by the visionary filmmaker Duke, the suspenseful film explores the complexities of modern relationships and the consequences of desire.

Love Kills takes audiences on a thrilling journey through the tangled web of love and betrayal. Infidelity comes crashing down when Lia, played by the talented Gaia Brooks, finds herself torn between her long-time boyfriend, Milo, portrayed by Maximilian Seed, and their captivating new roommate, Brianna, brought to life by Lucy Diamante. As Lia grapples with her feelings for Brianna, tensions rise and secrets are revealed. But when Milo catches them cheating and Brianna mysteriously disappears, Lia is thrust into a dark and dangerous world where nothing is as it seems.

Rich Wolff, CEO of Breaking Glass Pictures, shared his excitement for the film, stating, “Love Kills is a captivating exploration of the darker side of love. With its compelling storyline and powerful performances, we believe it will resonate with audiences across North America and the UK.”

Featuring a talented ensemble cast including Konstantinos Angel as Cashmeer, Love Kills personifies the universal theme of love and betrayal that is prominent in modern-day hook-up culture. Produced by Art of Duke, this gripping drama promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats with its suspenseful plot twists and electrifying performances.

With a runtime of 1 hour, 40 minutes, and 15 seconds, Love Kills is set to captivate audiences with its raw emotion and unflinching portrayal of love’s darker side. Don’t miss the chance to experience this unforgettable cinematic journey.


(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.

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