
Unique Independent 20’s-Style Silent Slasher Film Launches Indiegogo Campaign

Evil Usher, the independent film homage to 20’s-era silent films, will launch its l Indiegogo campaign on July 16th. The project, created by Chicago-based filmmaker Lomai, is a unique take on the slasher film, and will reference the German Expressionist horror films of the silent era, including The Man Who Laughs, The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari, and Nosferatu.

The story is about a movie-obsessed man who takes a job at a local movie theater, only to become discouraged at the lack of respect of the establishment by its employees and patrons. The enraged Usher, angered by these perceived offenses, decides to take matters into his own hands, and murders anyone who doesn’t hold the medium of film sacred.

The movie will be an updated take on the silent film, and will be a mix of the classic and the modern. It will be produced by 21H2 and Shytown Sugar Films, and will be directed by Lomai.

For more information on this upcoming project, and the upcoming Indiegogo campaign, please
email, or go to


(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.

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