Harvested 2 (2022) the holiday horror film sequel to Harvested (2021), is the story of a group of social media influencers who travel to Hayfork, CA on Thanksgiving Day to get footage of the Harvest Monster aka Harold Rice. While chasing fame, fortune and likes, they soon come face to face with the urban legend who owns the night.

Starring Cortney Elise, Ruby Lee Dove, Hana Wu, Meg Cherilus, Amber Perez, Jenna Nimri and Gregor Haley, Harvested 2 will be released to streaming where it will be FREE to the public. Because it is a Culture Forward TV original film, it will only be available on Culture Forward TV on Roku. Sound track music from Cazo Cas, Judell Rome and ClintD.
Produced by Culture Forward Media Group; Written and Directed by Ali West Ashe, (Alex West) you can expect his usual creative immersion, rawness and visionary flare that is distinctively unique. The self taught filmmaker proclaims that this is his best work yet, but promises to up the ante for Harvested 3 (2023).
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