Director – Izo Hashimoto (The West Tako Cheerleaders, Lucky Sky Diamond)
Starring – Shoko Nakajima (Moribito, Sayonara Color), Rie Kondoh (Doll from Hell, Rasuto Furankenshutain), and Shiro Sano (Godzilla 2000: Millennium, Invisible Man)
Release Date – 1992
Rating – 3/5
Blu Release – 2.5/5

A year or two ago Unearthed Films brought genre fans the Asian horror film Evil Dead Trap. This was a film I was very familiar with but had never seen before. I snagged a boot blu sometime back at a horror con because there was no blu release at the time but I never found the time to check it out. However, after finally watching the Unearthed release I was a little underwhelmed.
I was expecting something a lot more brutal and gorier. When Unearthed announced the release of Evil Dead Trap 2: Hideki I was on the fence about it until I saw the trailer. I was fucking hooked on it so I reached out to my friends over at MVD who were kind enough to send over a review copy. Like always I want to thank MVD and Unearthed Films for always supporting Horror Society.
**Spoiler Alert** The film follows a plain look female movie projectionist who is friends with a gorgeous business woman who is constantly on dates and the center of attention from the opposite sex. Things are rather bleak for the young lady after she has an abortion. She starts to resent other women and starts murdering women by removing their wombs. **Spoiler Alert**
Evil Dead Trap 2 is only a sequel to Evil Dead Trap in title only. The film has nothing in common with it’s predecessor but I think I enjoyed this one just a little more than the first. It wasn’t as wild as I thought it would be but it was an enjoyable watch for this Halloween season.
The acting in this one really surprised me. I loved how the characters were written and the cast did a fantastic job. I absolutely loved the main cast of characters and would really love to see more with them. I know there is a third Evil Dead Trap but I have no idea if it is a follow up to this installment or is a completely different film.
The story for this one is pretty fucking dark in practice. Having a serial killer that murders women and mutilating their insides as a response to her own abortion is a fucking fantastic horror story. It works especially if you are in the mood for something dark. The dialogue is a bit of a drag but if you can sit through those scenes then the other scenes are a welcomed reward.
Finally, the film wasn’t as gruesome as I had hoped. The effects and the deaths are fantastic but it’s not as gory as I was expecting. I thought the film would be all out blood and gore. Don’t get me wrong, the deaths we do get are fucking gorgeous but this is not the violent bloodbath I had hoped for. Overall, Evil Dead Trap 2 is another fantastic release from Unearthed Films. If you are looking for something different to watch this Halloween season then you will not be disappointed. Check it out.
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