Director – Patrick Picard (The Ordinary Dream, The Living Ghost)
Starring – Annalise Basso (Ouija: Origin of Evil, Slender Man), Liam Aiken (Road to Perdition, Ned Rifle), and Joe Adler (Kill Game, Damnation)
Release Date – 2020
Rating – 3/5
Arrow Video really knocked me for a loop when I received the Invisible Man double feature recently when I wasn’t expecting it. This double feature, The Invisible Man Appears and The Invisible Man vs. The Human Fly, were two Japanese releases from the late 40s and mid-50s that I had never seen before. When I received those for review I also received the 2020 thriller The Bloodhound from Arrow as well. This one looked really interesting and I couldn’t wait to check it out. I want to thank Arrow and MVD for sending these over to check out.
**Spoiler Alert** The film follows a young man who visits an old friend who is very sick and wealthy. He spends all his time in his home with his sister. The visit and the two reminiscing starts to take an unusual turn when strange things begin to happen in the home. **Spoiler Alert**
The artwork and title for this one really peaked my curiosity. I had no idea what the film was about but the artwork didn’t give me much of a hint. With that being said, it is a bit of a slower burner that has trouble finding traction. It does stumble from time to time but I enjoyed it for the most part.
The acting in this one is absolutely phenomenal. The supporting cast delivers solid well grounded performances that works for the scenes. These supporting roles are pretty generic but the cast does an exceptional job with them. With that being said, Liam Aiken and Joe Adler absolutely killed it. Their characters are the focal point of the film and a poor performance from either of them would have broke the film. Their characters are so well written and brought to life by these two. If this film doesn’t seem like something you would enjoy I would still recommend it just for the acting alone.
The story for this one is a little confusing at times and very slow paced but it does come together at the end to create something very different. It’s a rather unique story but the pacing and flow of the film does take away from the overall story telling aspect of the film. I found myself confused several times even though I was paying careful attention to the film. This is one you will find yourself rewinding several times to see if you missed something.
Finally, this is not a bloody or gory thriller. It is very character and story focused which will turn some of you gorehounds off. Overall, The Bloodhound is a great thriller if you are looking for something a little different. The cast is absolutely amazing and the story is decent but could use some work. I recommend it.