
“Boogeyman” Board Game Launches on Kickstarter 4/7

In  Boogeyman,  you  will  play  intrepid  children  struggling  with  the  worst  nightmare  of  all  time:  The  Boogeyman!  Nobody  knows  who  it  is  or  what  it  wants,  but  it  certainly  loves  children.  No one knows its real face, but they say that it is scary beyond imagining. The kids  are determined not to be part of its dinner, but if that wasn’t enough, they also have to escape  from the clutches of their psychotic babysitter! What will happen? Will they survive the long  night? Will  they manage  to avoid getting caught by  the babysitter? Can  they overcome  their  fears? Or will the Boogeyman get the better of them all? 

The Object of the Game: In order to survive, the Children will have to work together to locate certain key Items hidden  around  the  house  so  they  can  trigger  the  Finale—and  then live  through it!  The Boogeyman  and  the  psycho  Babysitter  will  do  everything  in  their  power  to  stop  them.  Keep  your  eyes  peeled, because when things get tough, not everyone is likely to survive… M u A h a h a h a h . .  

The Game Modes: You can play Boogeyman in di erent ways depending on  the experience you are looking  for.  Depending  on  your  preferences,  you  can  choose  any  of  four  di  erent  game  modes  to  play  before the game begins:  

  • Solo  Mode  (1  player)  You  play  alone,  controlling  one  or  more  children  against  the  Boogeyman and the Babysitter, who are controlled by the game itself.  
  • Cooperative  Mode  (2  or  more  players)  Each  player  acts  as  one  of  the  children,  while  the  Boogeyman and the Babysitter are controlled by the game.  
  • Semi-Cooperative Mode  (2 or more players) At  rst,  this is  the same as Cooperative Mode.  But, the  rst time a child Passes Out, they are removed from the game and that player takes on  the role of the Boogeyman, competing against the other players!  
  • Competitive Mode (2 or more players) One player is chosen to act as the Boogeyman against  all the other players from the start of the game. 

Boogeyman releases 7 April on Kickstarter: 

Michael DeFellipo

(Senior Editor)

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