
Slimebox (Short Review)

A waste of good slime

Director – Raymond Cara
Starring – Artemis Luperealia and Jordan Quinn
Release Date – 2020
Rating – 3.5/5

Social media and an extremely valuable resource for fans of indie horror. I rarely hear other fans mentioning indie horror releases and because of that I never see these titles unless I actively dig through hashtags on sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. It’s then that I can see these releases posted by those involved. #indiehorror is one that I often find myself searching through for new films.

A few nights ago I came across the poster for the new short Slimebox from Satan’s Lovebox Productions. The poster (shown above) really made my imagination race. I followed the page that posted the poster and was soon messaged by them to review the short. I quickly agreed and was sent the link not long after. Keep up the good work Raymond!

**Spoiler Alert** The film follows a man wondering the streets where he finds a mysterious slime. He does what any sane person would do and immediately rubs his hands in the slime. Soon he becomes a flesh eating zombie wondering the streets in search of his next meal. **Spoiler Alert**

I didn’t know what to expect when I hit play on Slimebox. I knew it was a short with no budget but I had no idea what direction it was going to take me. It was a fun one that was short and sweet but I could see it being a little longer and still enjoyable.

The acting in this one is solid but nothing that really stands out. The short is over as soon as it starts so the cast doesn’t really get a chance to “act” in a traditional sense. We see someone become infected and then see another character as they are attacked. Nothing that will really stick with the viewer in way of the acting here.

The story for this one is super short and goes straight to the point. It’s an urban take on Redneck Zombies that does have a little bit of a nod to Slime City. It’s fun but the fun is over as soon as it starts. I love a short film because there is never room for bullshit scenes. However, the short running time is this one’s biggest drawback. I need more!

Finally, this one has some slime and some make-up effects with some fun no budget practical effects. I enjoyed the one kill we do get but as I stated earlier, I want a lot more! Overall, Slimebox is a cheap horror short that fucking works. It’s a straight forward short that reminds me of the days when I would rent some direct to horror titles from the local video store. No bullshit, just horror. Check it out.


(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.

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