
Motorpsycho Maniacs (Review)

Amigo, they come from hell…

Director – Stefan Ruf (One by One)
Starring – Larissa Dali (A Simple Tale of Revenge, Atrocity), Jecca Bitner (Down with David, Save Yourself), and Justin Henry (The Curse of Babylon, Slaughter Creek)
Release Date – 2019
Rating – 4/5

I spent a few days watching some sleazy releases from Impulse Pictures. The Nikkatsu Erotic Films Collection always brings something to the table and I find them to be very interesting. I wouldn’t bet my salary on it but I believe that some of these releases were what inspired torture porn that has become infamous among the extreme horror fans. Anyway, after watching Love Hunters, Zoom Up: Murder Site, and Flower and Snake I decided to keep it sleazy.

A few days ago director Stefan Ruf reached out to me to review his exploitation film Sex Terrorists on Wheels. The film has since been retitled to Motorpsycho Maniacs but it fit right in with these other sleazy films I had just finished watching. I want to thank Stefan for contacting me to review this one because I fucking loved it!

**Spoiler Alert** The film follows the outlaw motorcycle gang The Sex Terrorists who travel the Texas countryside searching people to rape and kill. However, they meet their match when they cross paths with a Texas Marshall who is undercover and a blind sniper who has a soft spot for wildlife. **Spoiler Alert**

A movie that was titled Sex Terrorists on Wheels and then retitled Motorpsycho Maniacs really makes your imagination race. What the fuck was I about to get myself into and how crazy would this film be if it was originally titled Sex Terrorists on Wheels? That title has some pretty big shoes to fill but Ruf and company does a fantastic job and delivers a truly unforgettable exploitation experience.

The acting in this one shattered all my expectations. I absolutely loved the casting and the cast brought to life some amazing characters. I fucking love a movie that has larger than life characters with unforgettable personalities. Ruf did an amazing job with the casting here.

The story for this one is exploitation meets cat and mouse. It works and ties in a lot of the crime elements that made the biker exploitation flicks of the 70s so much fun. It does hit a bit of a dry spell several times throughout the film but the characters and their interactions together helps move the film along.

Finally, the film has several bloody and violent moments scattered throughout for the sick fucks that love the gorier side of cinema. We get plenty of blood, dismemberment, and liver tacos. The effects are pretty solid but a few instances does show the film’s budget. They don’t look bad but you can tell the film was limited. Overall, Motorpsycho Maniacs is an exploitation film for the modern ages. It’s sleazy, vulgar, and bloody which is all you can ask for. Fans of Dear God No! will want to check this one out because you will not be disappointed. I don’t really care for the title change but I understand why it had to happen. Too many sensitive people with internet access has ruined such an amazing title. Regardless, this movie needs to be seen.


(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.

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