Artsploitation Films, known for edgy and, at times, explicit genre films has announced it is taking a one month break from the cinematic carnage and sexual excesses (well, the carnage at least) in announcing the upcoming release of Benjamin, a quirky, anxiety-fueled gay rom-com directed by Simon (“Nevermind the Buzzcocks”) Amstell and starring Colin Morgan (Merlin, The Happy Prince). The film will be released on DVD and VOD/Streaming on August 25, 2020.
SYNOPSIS: Simon Amstell’s offbeat gay romantic comedy centers around Benjamin (Colin Morgan), a nervous, neurotic filmmaker juggling the anxieties of finalizing his upcoming film with the fear and awkwardness of a burgeoning romance. Will Benjamin’s insecurities get in the way of success and happiness? Will his film be a critics-savaging disaster and he, a one-hit wonder? Amstell peppers this entertaining tale with scene-stealing cast of supporting characters including Joel Fry (Game of Thrones), Jessica Raine, Jack Rowan and Anna Chancellor.