Tales of Evil – The 80’s Horror Board Game Experience
Live through a unique “narrative” experience for 1 to 5 “Braves” through the past, present, and future as you unveil the Mystery of the Demon Puppet-mistress! A new board game designed by Antonio Ferrara (creator of Stay Away!, Last Friday and Last Friday: Return to Camp Apache).
If you like horror and survival games, you are in the right place. Step into the boots of a member of Pizza & Investigation gang and dive into the heart of the 1980s. Now you’ll be able to live the adventures you always dreamed of, just by opening the box!
Tales of Evil is a game for 1 to 5 Braves (the name used for the players from now on) who become one of the members of a group of kids called Pizza & Investigation. During each adventure, the young Investigators venture into places inhabited by the forces of evil and need to get out alive— while trying to complete their missions! The Investigators will have to use all of their strength and ingenuity to stop the Demons they meet along the way, not to mention the Evil that resides in the places they explore. But that’s not all, and here is where the Braves come into play—you and your friends, that is—because Tales of Evil is an adventure that, based on your decisions, can end in many different ways. You will be the protagonists, and the sole responsibility for your fate and that of your friends is in your hands!
“There comes a moment in life when you stop being a child and you become an adult. Generally, this coincides with the end of summer. Nobody knows why this happens, and it is difficult to predict when it will happen with precision, but there is a moment of ending and of inevitable beginning. The transition between these two conditions occurs unconsciously, and sometimes in a traumatic manner. This was the case for us, Pizza & Investigation, a group of friends who found themselves facing the forces of Evil at the end of the summer of 1982. In all probability, if we had not entered the old house on Neibolt Street, I would not be here to tell you of our deeds today. But we did it, and this inevitably changed our lives.”
Introduction to the Fusion System: When you’re playing Tales of Evil, you will get into the game and the game will get into you. The system requires that you, as a Brave, must take real-life actions that will have direct consequences inside the game. For example, you may be required to get a particular item yourself, or take off your shoes because your alter ego is sinking into a semi-submerged shaft, or even turn off the lights in the room and continue playing in the dark. Based on your level of physical interaction, the story will change—and you may regret something you did or did not do!
But it does not end but that’s not all The Fusion System offers things that may not seem possible because they will happen when you least expect it, and you’ll never know if it’s reality or fiction… Is the phone is ringing? Maybe you better check it… The Fusion System is the fusion of fiction (the game) and YOUR reality. Other examples? You found a flashlight, but do you have the batteries? If you have them at home, you just have to place them on the table and match them to the flashlight (playing card), and then you can use them (but they must be the right ones, of course!). The system may also ask, among many other things, that you make phone calls, send emails or messages or even check out audio-visual presentations. But you will never be forced to do so to advance in the game. Or… almost never… Muahahaha!
A Narrative and Cinematic Experience: The box contains everything you need to solve the case of “The Mystery of the Demonic Puppet- mistress.” But, be careful where you step, because the Demon has complete control over the haunted house and it will not be easy to get out! Try not to divide the party, unless the situation really does require it. You’ll need all of your courage to get the Pizza & Investigation kids out of trouble. You will be the protagonists of a story that you will remember as the greatest adventure you’ve ever had together with your friends.
But it doesn’t have to end there…
Between one night’s raid into the abandoned old house and the next, you will be called upon to complete the daily chores of the gang, and you’ll have to help the young Investigators face the Crystal Country bullies, avoid parental control, get rid of a mangy dog, help Mrs. Smith find her lost kitten, and most importantly convince old Jack at the Recovery Shop to swap the rubbish you have collected for the equipment you’ll need to deal with Evil.
What Makes Tales of Evil Unique?: Tales of Evil is not just a board game, but a real sensory experience that will become part of your daily life thanks to the many (individual and group) choices you can make. The story develops step- by-step to guarantee you a unforgettable experience.
There are over 300 illustrations to make the game truly unique, created through traditional techniques: Hand-drawn with pencil, then inked, and only at the end are the drawings processed by computer for coloring. There are very few duplicated illustrations (generally they are objects to recover some features), and every Event, Creature, Find, and Equipment is by all means unique, and once unveiled, you will not meet another like it throughout the entire story.
Your choices will directly influence the unfolding of the scenarios and the plot. For example: In one Chapter, an Investigator might be kidnapped, and at that point the rest of the Investigators will have to carry out a rescue mission which would never have taken place if no one was kidnapped. Another example: Should the Investigators fail to complete a mission, at that point they will have to decide whether to return to the villa to recover the key they were looking for or go on without the key, with all the consequences that might cause. If they decide to return to the house, they will be forced to choose a different entrance, because they will find the front door barred!
You can replay the same Chapters (games) by taking different paths and making different decisions to reveal all the mysteries of the haunted house.
Thanks to the “saving system,” you can “save” your game between chapters. There are multiple endings, but only one is the real end… (Muahahaha!). Your Investigators’ can grow and develop based on their experiences in the field. Direct interaction is needed between the Braves (players)—who will have to operate in their own reality thanks to the Fusion System—as they try to get their own alter egos (Investigators) out of trouble and ultimately save their future.
Unlimited adventure is available thanks to the Designer Kit, should it be unlocked. This kit is designed so you can create your own adventures, and you’ll be able to download adventures created by other players and experience those as well. The Designer Kit will be very easy to use, even with nothing but a word processor, and users will not require any graphics or professional programs, because pre-compiled digital files will be provided which the aspiring “nightmare creators” can use to fill-in their stories as they please! This will give players the opportunity to expand the game endlessly with new mysteries for the Pizza & Investigation gang, both through official expansions and those created by the community.
Who is Pizza & Investigation?: Five young people formed an investigative club in the late summer of 1980, but soon after one of them mysteriously disappeared.
Peter Spencer: He is the founder and the brains of Pizza & Investigation, and he loves to sit in some attic and build equipment of dubious usefulness, but he firmly believes that sooner or later the world will become aware of him and he will emerge in triumph. He is perpetually at odds with his brother Ray, even though he tries to support him because he really loves him. He is the only one who has noticed Daphne’s crush for his brother, but he keeps silent about it because he has a crush on her himself and he cannot figure out why such a smart girl would run after a guy like his brother.
Ray Spencer: He’s a robust boy dedicated to outdoor life. He is competitive and stubborn and often manages to get into trouble without looking for it. His physical prowess—and being part of the football team—have made him famous among the school girls. A braggart, but good by nature, he never avoids a fight to get his friends out of trouble. He is very close to his brother Peter, with whom he founded the Pizza & Investigation gang, but he is not always able to understand him because of their wildly different temperaments.
Daphne Davis: She is a very studious girl, but beneath her shy appearance hides a fierce character that surfaces when necessary. For her, books and knowledge are a world apart where she often takes refuge. Passionate about the occult, she knows almost everything about myths and legends. Wary by nature, she does not have many friends she can count on, partly because she has a way of behaving that makes her appear older than her age. She has a crush on Ray, but she does not have the courage to come forward. She joined the gang because she liked the idea of being part of a group of madmen, and especially because she is convinced that without her the group would not get very far.
Mike Hanlon: He’s a thin and agile boy. He often manages to get into very cramped places that are impossible for others to reach. His agility has allowed him to win several athletic competitions, and he is loved by his friends for his ability to recover a ball, wherever it ends up. His feats of dexterity have put him in a bad light among the adults of the neighborhood, however. He’s Ray’s best friend, and they spend most of their days together, sharing the same attitude that can often get them into trouble.
Leila Redfield: A sport-loving girl, always ready to lend a hand, and one that does not give much importance to appearances. She loves people who live outside the box. Underneath her exuberant character, she hides a deep and attentive soul. She came into the gang by accident one day when she secretly followed Mike to their meeting place. The group intrigued her, so she managed to track him down in the corridors of the school and followed him there. Once there, she immediately fell in love with those spontaneous boys and their hideout, which was anything but conventional.
There comes a moment in life when you stop being a child and you become an adult. Generally, this coincides with the end of summer. Nobody knows why this happens, and it is difficult to predict when it will happen with precision, but there is a moment of ending and of inevitable beginning. The transition between these two conditions occurs unconsciously, and sometimes in a traumatic manner. This was the case for us, Pizza & Investigation, a group of friends who found themselves facing the forces of Evil at the end of the summer of 1982. In all probability, if we had not entered the old house on Neibolt Street, I would not be here to tell you of our deeds today. But we did it, and this inevitably changed our lives.
Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1451101630/tales-of-evil-the-80s-horror-board-game-experience/
Official Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/talesofevil/
Official website: www.talesofevil.com