When the Deranged Serial Killer known as The Wicked One is brought to justice, Detective Myles Mathis finds himself plagued by horrific visions and nightmares relating to the maniacal boogeyman. As his personal life and relationships begin to deteriorate, Myles slowly begins to transform into Something Wicked. But when a dangerous and unexpected threat targets the love of his life, Myles must give in to the darkness within in order to defeat a new form of Evil.
In 2016, Jonestown Films LLC blasted onto the scene with their feature length low budget indie hit The Wicked One. The film would become an award winning, domestically distributed, successful first venture for them as a company. The Wicked One premiered to a sold out crowd of nearly 600 people at Fright Night Horror Weekend in November 2016, taking home six awards that same evening. In March the film screened at Horrorhound Weekend Cincinnati to another large crowd and was released nationwide through Dark Cuts Entertainment on April 25th 2017. The film sold out within the first day on all outlets, and would become the most successful film on the Dark Cuts Distribution Label.