Troma Entertainment, the longest running independent film studio in America, has premiered “The Inseminette” on their YouTube Channel, Troma Movies. This TROMATIC Bachelorette Parody sketch was written by Rebecca Blaine Carton and Liliana Tandon and directed by Lily-Hayes Kaufman.- it was announced today by Lloyd Kaufman, President of Troma Entertainment and creator of The Toxic Avenger.
Ever wonder what it would look like to set a tv show inside a vagina? Well…look no further! Comedienne Rebecca Blaine Carton shines some light on your downstairs in “The Inseminette,” the latest sketch in her series Irritable Becca Syndrome! Watch it on the Troma Movies YouTube channel, today!
“The Inseminette,” a sticky parody of ABC’s The Bachelorette, features a cast of eligible sperm all vying for the affection of their one true love – a woman in an egg suit! This fluid packed drama plays out inside a uterus the moments following successful….insemination. Brought forth from the nethers of Rebecca Blaine Carton with Liliana Tandon and directed by Lily-Hayes Kaufman – watch, laugh, cringe and share this latest sketch with everyone you love, hate, or think could just use some more vag in their life! And after that, if you need more, please visit the Irritable Becca Syndrome YouTube channel to see other episodes and show your support by subscribing to the channel.
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