It’s almost one year since Christopher G. Moore’s horror-comedy short film Gut Punched premiered in the film festival circuit. To this very day, it’s still being honored as an official selection across The United States and adding numerous awards to the North Carolina based director’s resume. It even won the award for Best Special Effects Short at last weekend’s Crimson Screen Horror Film Festival.
During a special Q&A with the audience, Moore, whose previous short films include Disengaged, Foodie and Knob Goblins, announced that his own creature feature star, Knobby, will receive a sequel in 2018. And, it gets better, Knob Goblins 2 is going to be a Christmas horror film. Tentatively titled Silent Bite, Holy Fright, we can look forward to seeing Kobby’s next adventure before the end of the year.
Written and directed by Moore, Knob Goblins follows a mental patient who is allowed to return to the basement of his deserted childhood home as part of his final psychotherapy treatment. He hopes to face his fears involving the death of his younger brother, but comes to face to phallic with something much worse. Jaysen P. Buterin, Yale Giffin, Tom Gore, Christopher Houldsworth and Michael Ray Williams star.
A monster that eats dicks… I can’t wait…