Director – Ashlea Wessle
Staring – Mishka Balilty
Release Date – 2018
Rating – 4/5
I love reviewing shorts. Some of the shorts I’ve reviewed in the past was able to cram a lot of content into a short running time. Most of the time I review feature length films that are full of boring dialogue and pointless scenes just because the filmmaker wanted to extend the film’s running time. Most shorts make great use of their time and have very little room for filler… or bullshit.
Several weeks back I was contacted by the very talented Ashlea Wessle to review her new short Ink. I tried to work it into my schedule but life got away from me and I wasn’t to until now. I want to thank Ashlea for reaching out to me to check out her amazing short. Thank you Ashlea.
**Spoiler Alert**The film follows a troubled young woman who is going through, or went through, a troubling pregnancy. She uses ink therapy and alcohol to cope with it all but something else dark is a foot and no amount of tattooing can save her from it.**Spoiler Alert**
I had no idea what Ink was about but I knew it would look good. The stills I was sent for this short looked fantastic as if every scene was meticulously shot and anywhere you paused would be a beautiful image. Ink did look fantastic but it was also an amazing short full of symbolism and a rich story.
The acting in this one is unconventional where the film has just one cast member. With that being said, she does a great job delivery raw emotion without actually saying a word. Her performance is real and powerful. I could see her taking on a role as a bad ass. She has that “I can kick your ass” look with a great amount of sex appeal.
The story for this one is symbolic and simple yet it holds the viewer’s attention like very few indie productions can. The film moves by quickly and the whole short hits on an emotional level which will have a greater affect on the female audience.
Finally, if you want blood and gore you will not find it here. However, the film does have one instance where we get practical effects in the form of a tentacle that looked fucking fantastic. Overall, Ink is a fantastic short with a compelling story and an amazing performance by Mishka Balilty. The film is clearly close to the director’s heart and took great care with the story. Check it out.