Synopsis: Soon after graduating high school a group of young adults from Geneva, Ohio
start prepping for their fun filled summer. While the town fires up their jet skis, boats, and
alcohol for a fun filled time on the lake, a killer begins targeting the recent graduates of Geneva
High. Who is the killer and why are they targeting the recent grads is the question on the whole
towns minds.
The film stars Mary Watters (The Wicked One), Tyler Riley (The Woods
Within, Cinematic Reality), Alicia Clark (The Hosptial, Kill, Granny, Kill!) and Roman Jossart
(Campground: The Requel, Cinematic Reality). The film also features Cheyenne Gordon (The
Wicked One), Sokheang Ty (TV’s The Hill), and Kat Gore.
The film is set to premiere this fall then head into the film festival circuits hoping for a
2018 release. Follow the Facebook page for more and future information.