
5-Headed Shark Attack to Take A Bite Out of SyFy This July.

Told you this one was on the way!

Falling into the “so bad it’s good” category, I can’t wait to see what shark-tastic moments the next entry in this budding franchise has to offer genre fans. Already we’ve seen Hulk Hogan’s daughter battle a mutated shark 10x her size with nothing but a stick, and we’ve seen Chris Brown’s girlfriend watch as her entire crew sacrifices themselves one by one for no reason at all.

5-Headed Shark Attack will debut on SyFy Channel on Saturday, July 1st 2017 before swimming its way to VOD and DVD on Tuesday, September 5th 2017.

5-Headed Shark Attack is directed by Christopher Ray and produced by David Michael Latt, with both film-makers having previously worked on the Head Attack franchise.

Synopsis: A beautiful island is home to thousands of species of aquatic life. Now there is a new species: the 5-Headed Shark is all heads and teeth. Shaped like a demented starfish, this monster terrorizes the open ocean before invading the beaches of Puerto Rico, endangering the once peaceful island paradise

Michael DeFellipo

(Senior Editor)

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