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Short of the Week: “Welcome to Willits: After Sundown” (2013)

Drugs are bad, m’kay

Hello fellow dreamers of all things dark and dire, it’s Thakgore and today I bring you the wonderfully bizarre proof-of-concept film, “Welcome to Willits: After Sundown”. About a man who is accosted by nightmarish happenings while waiting for his friend to return from a drug deal, this one really took me by surprise.

Produced by and starring Mark Webber (Green Room, Jessabelle) and directed by Trevor Ryan, “Welcome to Willits: After Sundown” is an assault on the senses. As the main character, Brock, goes further and further down the rabbit hole the film takes on an otherworldly quality with shifts in camera perspective, jarring and intense music and trippy visuals and effects. You might actually feel like you’re on drugs while watching it!

Ostensibly made as a proof-of-concept, this film manages to stand on it’s own as a genuinely terrifying experience. The feature version, “Welcome to Willits” is currently making the festival circuit so until it gets a wide release (which I have no doubt it will) this excellent short will have to do. Check it out.



Horror fan since childhood. Also, a stay at home Dad, layabout and general rapscallion. Purveyor of all things diabolical, devious and dire as well as loquacious lover of ludicrous alliteration and bold balladeer of bellicose buffoonery. Master of the run-on sentence.