
New IP Announced from the Creators of Dark Souls

So the embers have faded, countless souls are in your possession but none of this matters now…

Chances are you’re a seasoned veteran of the souls series or have attempted to play the brutal franchise, The series rose to the top with challenging gameplay and amazing stories told within its worlds. Dark Souls as a series has finally ended with Dark Souls 3 and its two DLCs. It has left a void in some players but Bandai Namco released a new thirty second teaser trailer from the studio From Software (Dark souls, Bloodborne) only known as PREPARE TO DINE.

Prepare to Dine is a play on word from the iconic Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition which not only has fans excited for another souls-like game but as well as a new IP as did the announcement of Bloodborne. So far of what we know about the new IP is vampires and giant creatures are a huge part of this instead of werewolves like in Bloodborne. Its not clear what inspired From Software to head in this direction seeing as the Classic anime BERSERK helped mold Dark Souls into the title it is today but its a fresh new step for the creators and fans alike. Now Prepare to Dine isn’t the actual title of the IP, its only the project’s temporary name which is very common in game development only helps lock in the idea of vampires being the new enemies. Another thing fans are mentioning is the art style of the trailer, for the first time From Software has used animation instead of in-game renders. This has started to have the fans questioning whether the studio is planning on switching up their art style. Bandai Namco has also announced that another announcement for the IP is coming April 20, 2017.

Hopefully more will be known about the upcoming IP with the new announcement, if not we may see it finally revealed at E3 2017.

We will keep you guys updated once more information is revealed!



(Contributor) Future game designer. From RPG to FPS I play them all. Always happy to try out a new game and hear feedback. Follow me on Twitter @xslash562 / Facebook: XSLASH562 / YouTube: XSLASH562

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  1. From Software has nothing to do with this game. This game is certainly going under the same publisher; Bandai Namco.
    Also, the souls series has always used Phyreengine. This new game is using Unreal Engine. This game was just something that was inspired by the souls series.

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