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Nicole, her Ex & the Killer

Nicole, her Ex & the Killer, a feature horror movie bursting with blood, mayhem and laughs has become one of the most highly anticipated films of 2017. The film is in pre-production and has launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise the funding necessary for completion. The campaign is live on Seed & Spark, where you can contribute and follow the film:

Nicole, her Ex & the Killer is the horror movie exploring family, exes and revenge. Struggling to find her way in a world that makes her feel lonely and isolated, Nicole somehow keeps finding herself surrounded by abusive people – until she decides to fight back. But when her overbearing family visits, the journey culminates in a chaotic conclusion…offering a twisted, furious and dark humors’ perspective to dealing with family and exes.

The movie is directed by Bob Akins and stars Nicole Trobaugh, Braeden Baade and Rollyn Stafford. The award-winning script was written by Akins and Trobaugh.

“Most of us have a dark side that we want to unleash,” said Akins, “most of us have thought about revenge at one time or another and we all have terrible family members and exes that drive us to a dark place. Nicole, her Ex & the Killer is a story about someone embracing that darkness and taking it to the extreme.”

Nicole her Ex & the Killer is relatable in many ways and surreal in others. It is intense and twisted, but still manages a lot of laughs. By taking real-life situations and struggles that most of us have had, by visualizing our darkest thoughts and fantasies, the film offers a viewing experience unlike any other…perhaps the elements of revenge even providing a cathartic experience for some.

The film also features a new type of protagonist. It is too often in movies that lead female characters are referred to as “strong women” – implying that women are inherently weak. Nicole, her Ex & the Killer features a lead character who is strong, but the movie breaks away from those “strong woman” stereotypes. Furthermore, while mainstream and Hollywood horror movies rely on jump scares, remakes and have a tendency to recycle old/un-original ideas; Nicole, her Ex & the Killer is an independent film with a wildly original story that is intense, funny, visceral.

While the horror genre is bustling with terrific films that have provided us with great characters, shocking moments and a lot of scares – a story like Nicole, her Ex & the Killer has been missing and is a welcome addition to indie horror.

You can now join the film by contributing to the crowdfunding campaign and following on social media.




Mitchell Wells

Founder and Editor in Chief of Horror Society. Self proclaimed Horror Movie Freak, Tech Geek, love indie films and all around nice kinda guy!!

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