From the limitless imagination of acclaimed filmmaker Guillermo del Toro comes a tale of two worlds set to collide in the epic saga DreamWorks Trollhunters, which follows ordinary teenager Jim Lake Jr. who inadvertently discovers an extraordinary secret civilization of mighty trolls beneath his small town of Arcadia. In celebration of this must-see series coming to Netflix on Friday, December 23rd, DreamWorks Animation Television and Netflix have released a fun featurette!
Voice talent includes Kelsey Grammer (“The Simpsons,” X-Men: The Last Stand), Ron Perlman (Hellboy, “Adventure Time”), Steven Yeun (“The Walking Dead”) and Anton Yelchin (Star Trek Beyond).Trollhunters is created and executive produced by Guillermo del Toro (Crimson Peak, Hellboy). Marc Guggenheim (TV’s “Arrow,” “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow”), Rodrigo Blaas (animator Up, Brave, WALL•E), Christina Steinberg (Rise of the Guardians) and Chad Hammes (Dragons: Race to the Edge”) serve as executive producers. Dan Hageman and Kevin Hageman are co-executive producers.