
Comic Crypt: PENNY DREADFUL #4 Preview




  • Writer: Krysty Wilson-Cairns & Chris King
  • Artist: Louie De Martinis
  • Cover artist:
    Cover A: Tula Lotay
    Cover B: Louie De Martinis
    Cover C: Photo
  • Publication date: September 28, 2016
  • Format: FC, 32 pages
  • Price: $3.99

Plot Synopsis

In the dark and dank Essex church, Vanessa casts the tarot and reaches out to Mina, who appears on a mission from The Master. In the howling fury that accompanies the descending somnolent women, Mina offers Vanessa a deal; she can save the lives of her friends and companions… if she submits to her darkest nature…

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Michael Juvinall

I am a Horror journalist, producer, ravenous Horror fiend, aficionado of the classic Universal Monsters, Hammer Horror, Werewolves, and all things Horror.

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