
Blu Review – Deadliest Prey


Director – David A. Prior (Deadly Prey, Killer Workout)
Starring – Ted Prior (Deadly Prey, Sledgehammer), Michael Charles Prior (Zombie Wars), and David Campbell (Twisted Justice, Speak of the Devil)
Release Date – 2013
Rating – 2.5/5
Blu Release – 3/5

Tagline – “In Vietnam he was the best…now he has to prove it again!”

This is it, the last non-horror flick for the month.  It has been a refreshing experience to say the least.  I went from watching a horror movie or two a day to none for an entire month.  Now I can’t wait to get back to the slashers, zombies, vampires, and serial killers but before I do I have one more film to review.

After watching mostly blaxploitation and sexploitation flicks I decided to venture into the action genre a little where I watched the amazing Deadly Prey.  That film was sent to me from Slasher//Video and Olive Films on blu.  The film had a sequel made back in 2013 with most of the cast reprising their role.  Olive Films was nice enough to send that one over to check out as well.  Thanks guys!


**Spoiler Alert**This film picks up 28 years after the first film.  Hogan (Campbell) has been in jail over his crimes and is about to be released.  He has another team of mercenaries on the outside getting things together to get revenge on Mike Danton (Prior) over the events of the first film.  He plans on kidnapping him, hunting him, and then kill him on camera for everyone on the internet to watch.  However, he completely forgot how deadly Danton was and Danton fights back resulting in the same conclusion as the first film.**Spoiler Alert**

I’m always open to a sequel.  Hell, I look forward to them but sometimes they end up being big turds.  Some of the worst films I have ever seen just happened to be shitty sequels that were only made to cash in on name only.  Deadly Prey may not be a well known action film but among VHS collectors it is a very sought after title.  It only makes sense that a sequel would eventually be made considering so many tapeheads are looking for the original on analog.  Sadly, the sequel we get is nowhere near as good as it’s original counterpart.

The acting in this one is the exact same as the first film.  The cast has no direction and does not give a damn about their performances.  They just show up, scream out their dialogue, and have no devotion to their roles.  It’s a shame because I feel they all know how to act but have not been properly motivated.

The story for this one is almost scene for scene as the first with the only difference being the addition of live streaming to the kills.  That does make it more modern but doesn’t change the fact that we have the same story but instead of them being younger and in better physical condition, they are older and a lot slower.

Finally, the film is full of action but on a smaller scale than the first film with even less effects and bloodshed.  The kills are the same as the first consisting of mostly gunshots and knife kills but nothing stands out.  In fact, it gets pretty repetitive very fast.  Overall, Deadliest Prey is not the sequel we deserve.  The film is the same as the first flick but with a cast that has been aged 30 years.  I can only recommend this film as a follow up to the first film but it has no replay value and is seriously flawed.

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(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.

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