Night of the Living Dead: Rebirth is an upcoming remake of George A. Romero’s classic 1968 zombie flick, but – especially after yesterday’s events – it’s going to be so much more than a simple revision. Not many people realize that the original Night of the Living Dead was more than a horror film, it was also a piece on social issues, with hot topics of the time period intricately and subtly woven into the story. Now, genre fans will see Night of the Living Dead: Rebirth tackle much of the same plot points of its predecessor, but the social issues addressed in this go around will include bigotry, homosexuality and religious fundamentalism.
You see, Roger Conners has flipped the script by taking out Barbara as the lead character opposite Ben and replacing her with Adam, an openly gay man. This simple change opens the story of Night of the Living Dead: Rebirth to a shift in dynamic in a dramatic and poignant way while addressing topics that have been reawakened in American culture. Will Night of the Living Dead: Rebirth have tons of gore and hordes of zombies? Of course! But in between the panicked lines of dialogue and suspenseful action, viewers will find so much more.
A new promotional poster (featured above) was released last week. The art work was created by Ben Hess and it gives us a look at the cast and characters in a cartoonish, comic book kind of way. The film’s official Facebook page also states that the first teaser trailer is headed our way soon. So stay tuned!
A collaboration between Rising Pulse Productions and Mouse Nest Productions, Night of the Living Dead: Rebirth is written and directed by Roger Conners with cinematographer Noelle Bye. These two companies are known for getting work done the right way, as seen with their latest release, Chill: The Killing Games, now available everywhere. Starring Conners, Aswan Harris, Alvin Hudson, Rachel Anderson, Bradley Arner, Taylor Nelms and RJ Messenger, the film also features performances from Jim Strang, Hailey Moltz, John Chiara, Jennifer Anderson, Robbie Barnes, Tiffani Hilton, Douglas Slygh and KateLynn E. Newberry.