Episode 2 Synopsis: After the death of Iris Evergreen’s late husband, a year has passed and Charlie Evergreen’s niece, Eve, moves to town to take over the house that once belonged to Iris. Eve is not too fond of Iris and knows what she is up against.
“Melody Heights” is produced by Demented Pictures under the direction of Gage Briney. Episode 2 features Briney, Seth Hise, Samantha Harrison and Miranda Krueger; with future episodes featuring Dante Aubain, Drew Calhoun, Mackenzie Davis, Ashlynn Shaw and Dylan Hewitt. Cinematography was performed by Savanna Carpenter, highlighted by original music from Seth Hise. Dante Aubain executively produced.
Iris Evergreen appears to be the housewife every man would want, but behind her perfect facade lies dark secrets and lies, that not even she can keep up with. When a new family moves into the perfect neighborhood of Melody Heights they find out Iris’s true intentions, and are forced to try to stay alive behind her gates of horror and mayhem. Welcome to Melody Heights, where your worst nightmares become real life.