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By Angel To Demon

“In May-June 2014, I began to write an album entitled ” From Angel To Demon ”. It seems that somehow this project o ff enda believers, but I think it’s a ff ermazione very wrong, because in each of us there is a good side and a bad one, is the spice of life we ​​are all made in the same way. Some of the lyrics on this album are very explicit, but the story only my life my truth in my experience, and what I think about religion. I wrote this album totally unexpected, it all began from the early death of my father, on the morning of May 2, 2014 I called a friend of mine (Elena De Vivo) and I by this news, and pultroppo.

It was five years that I could not see my father, because I live in Milan and he in Melfi. I collapsed upon the world, no more nothing would be like before my life, a wound that I have inside and that will never go away anymore, moreover, I had problems with my father’s relatives, misunderstandings hypocrisy wickedness falsehood, that they have thrown on him, even by outsiders for reflection.” – Victor Leone

Victor Leone

Elena De Vivo

Victor Leone

Release Date:





Additional Notes:
Da Angelo a Demone eBook (Italian -english Edition) Kindle Edition

Mitchell Wells

Founder and Editor in Chief of Horror Society. Self proclaimed Horror Movie Freak, Tech Geek, love indie films and all around nice kinda guy!!

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