Of all the bizarro authors I have read, WOL-VRIEY takes the cake on quantity while maintaining quality. I don’t know how he is able to construct so many concepts, plots, and characters and weave them together in such a coherent way that you are immersed into his bizarre world which at times are epically violent and disturbing with a perfect balance of dry humor with the best character development among the chaos. I have yet to be disappointed or disinterested in any of Wolvrieys giant tomes of bizarre, inventive, fascinating worlds. This book, as many of his others are as well, contain extreme violence and sex and with it topping out over 400 pages it can be a lot to take in if this is your introduction to this genre. Pace yourself cause this book goes to some dark places.
Meet Malone. A private detective with the skills to take on any case no matter how weird or dangerous. When the scientist daughter of a very rich, sexually driven woman is kidnapped, Malone is hired to her bring her back preferably without giving away the ransom money. Needless to say things go sour for Malone when he attempts to safely retrieve Rachel. This is no easy task given that the world is now ravaged by larger than usual dinosaurs roaming around and dragons in the sky threatening to make you dinner. When things go terribly awry with the rescue mission, Malone now finds himself being hunted by a crazy scientist cannibal while trying to find a cure for his addict girlfriend/prostitute whose addiction transforms her into something much more deadly.
Enter Posh, our lovely redheaded prostitute that works for Herbie, a money hungry pimp who in all honestly I actually kind of liked (that is until he’s turned into a Worman…yeah…I’ll let you break that word down to it’s meaning….). He seemed as sympathetic as one could be towards his “property” and he did get involved in the depravity when the money was right. And wholly shit, depraved isn’t even the word to describe some of the clients poor Posh has to pleasure. Her worst client ends up giving her a terrible skin condition where the cure for it doesn’t seem much like a cure. Ancient Chinese magic and conjuring are the only things that can save Posh when she gets herself into some trouble. This is where her and Malone’s paths cross.
With her skin falling off in strips and Malone’s flayed open body, both are in some terrible shape and in dire need of medical attention and their encounters with those that wish to cause them harm and those that want to help become a whirlwind of amazing storytelling. My emotions for what Posh has to go through and what she endures are absolutely nothing but sad. The character of Beth just fucking pisses me off to know end, and the fact that Posh can’t catch a break at any turn upset me. It’s only when the sentient Forks step in to protect her due to their deal with Malone, but even that rescue mad me so mad because of Beth. I hate Beth. I did very much love Glass Horse. He gave me a Falkor feel.
The world’s basically gone to chaotic shit and people are just trying to get by. Between the dragons and the dinosaurs, there is a race of sentient Forks and giant beetles that excrete concrete becoming buildings. The sky rains cereal and old chinese woman can reattach their heads to younger bodies. I loved everything about the Chinese characters including the statue that has a thing for Malone. There are worlds within worlds including Traven, a place for very bad men who cheat and the like go to be the wife of two transangels, and lets not forget the the conflict between Tranangels and the Mermaid biker club called MOM…..this is a Wolvriey world, boys and girls, anything and everything is possible and it seems that he has written this book with all that in mind. As usual there is so much going on here but it does read coherently and it keeps the pace. Towards the end, I’d say the last 100 or so pages, Malone’s adventures start to take on an Alice in Fucked Up Land feel which I really enjoyed. The absolute ending was a bit hokey and kinda felt like, “Well this is as good as any ending…” but there are two more books in this series so my judgement is reserved. I have super excited hopes for the final two books!
He writes surreal, gory, horror fiction—bizarre adult fairytales designed to transport the reader to fantastic realms of existence.
Amongst many other works, he is the author of The Bud Malone ‘Boston’ Series, Vegan Zombie Apocalypse, Vegan Vampire Vaginas, Dr. Orgasm, and Bizarro 101 (A Basic Primer).
Wol-vriey is also the mind behind the electronic ensemble ‘Earxygen’ (https://soundcloud.com/earxygen)