
The Vicious Brothers Announce Completion of “Grave Encounters 3” Script.


Grave Encounters 3: The Beginning was announced in early May, but nothing has been heard from the franchise that follows ghost hunters exploring an extremely violent and tricky abandoned mental asylum since then. Often times in Hollywood, especially when dealing with a straight-to-DVD series, projects end up sitting on production shelves for a number of reasons. Luckily, the incredibly talented Vicious Brothers – Colin Minihan and Stuart Ortiz -are pressing forward with the latest movie that may show just how things got so bad at Collingwood Mental Hospital.

The announcement came through Facebook last night, which seems to be the typical venue for Vicious Brothers and Grave Encounters news. The announcement was short and sweet:


Now that the script of Grave Encounters 3: The Beginning has been completed, or is at least nearing the end of completion, it shouldn’t be long until the film gathers a budget, a cast and heads into production. This shouldn’t be particularly difficult since the entries in this found footage franchise have always made back their production budget 3x over. Will we finally get a new sequel in 2016?

While I didn’t really enjoy Grave Encounters 2 in 2012, 2011’s original spawn Grave Encounters is one of my favorite movies and is the film I hold as a standard for all supernatural found footage features. I hope that the Vicious Brothers are able to re-capture the magic of the first film and really make #3 a hit both financially AND critically.

*The picture featured as the cover is only a fan made poster created by Mads Gregerse.

Michael DeFellipo

(Senior Editor)