Director – Gus Trapani (Bad vs. Worse)
Starring – Rick Rodgers (Bad vs. Worse), Roderick Klimek (Relentless Scoundrels), and Victoria Zito (Bad vs. Worse)
Release Date – 2015
Rating – 3.5/5
Horror fans are dedicated to their genre and they will become extremely hostile towards anyone that fucks with them and their genre. However, certain other genres and sub-genres still house films that have become classic films that even the most hardcore horror fans love to watch. Most of those films belong to the crime drama sub-genre with the films The Godfather, Scarface, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, and so many more. Horror fans love gangster flicks and no one can deny that.
Last year I was lucky enough to review the horror flick Bad vs. Worse directed by Gus Trapani. Trapani recently finished work on his newest film Absolute Zeroand, you guessed it, it is a crime drama/thriller. He was nice enough to let me check it out and for that I thank him for giving me the opportunity!
**Spoiler Alert**The film follows a con-man who had weaseled his way into the heart of a young lady who’s father is a wealthy and important man. He does not have life long bliss on his mind, however, his one true goal is to kidnap the young woman and hold her for ransom.
He hires three young thugs to kidnap her and bring her to a rendezvous point. However, these group of immature frat boys fuck up and the con-man has to send in a professional to tie up some loose ends. He arrives and starts taking care of business but things go south for him as well forcing the con-man himself to step up and do the job he should have to begin with.**Spoiler Alert**
Director Gus Trapani has a knack for writing crime dramas. The first film of his I saw, Bad vs Worst, was a crime drama at heart but soon turned into a true horror film. I assumed Absolute Zero would do the same but it stayed true to the genre and delivered a fun film.
The acting in this one is decent but not consistent throughout. The major characters in the film were perfectly cast and really made their characters feel real. Sadly, the minor characters, young thugs included, just did not fit the flow of the film.
The story is a basic crime drama at heart but with several horror elements tossed throughout. These elements don’t interfere with the story but gives the viewer some suspense and bloodshed. The story may not be that original but damn was it entertaining.
Finally, the film does have several bloody kills but they are nothing that sticks out. We get your typical gunshot kills that have become a bit of a cliche among these types of films but, unlike other crime dramas, this film does get blood and has some great practical effects. Overall, Absolute Zero is a hard hitting film that is filled with carnage. This is a gangster film for the horror fan. Check it out.