
Roadside (Review)


Director – Eric England (Madison County)
Starring – Ace Marrero (Auteur), Katie Stegeman (Contracted), and Lionel D. Carson (Seven Psychopaths)
Release Date – 2013
Rating – 3/5

Tagline – “Their fate…is in his hands”

Horror can go so many different ways and has so many opportunities to give the viewer a unique horror experience.  However, most just try to shower the viewer in blood and gore but lack story and substance.  Very few films are able to take stories that are different and unique and make them worth watching.

Several weeks ago another writer at Horror Society shared news about the upcoming release of a film titled Roadside.  The film looked like your typical stranded slasher but when I looked further into it the film did have an unusual spin which sold me on it.  I reached out for a review copy and they were kind enough to hook me up with a review copy.

vlcsnap-2015-04-18-01h24m05s34**Spoiler Alert**The film follows Dan Summers (Marrero) and his pregnant wife as they travel out into the woods to visit his sister for the holidays.  They stop at a local gas station for a few supplies where they meet a very friendly cashier and a dick customer.  They gather their things and get back on the road until they come across a tree blocking their path.

Dan gets out of the vehicle to move it and before he can get back in his vehicle a voice tells him to stop.  He tries to find where it came from and is unsuccessful.  He starts to head back to his vehicle and the man behind the voice fires a warning shot destroying his headlight.  The man then instructs Dan to stay out of the car and his wife to remain in it.  This becomes a game for the gunman as the weather is below freezing and Dan is not prepared for such frigid temperatures.  The night drags on and the gas is the car starts to run out.  This forces Dan to try one last ditch effort to save his bride and unborn child.**Spoiler Alert**

Sometimes a simple story and execution can go a long way but it does walk a fine line with being an extremely boring flick.  Roadside did a fine job holding the viewer’s attention but there was a few instances where the film was almost boring.

The acting in this one is great by the entire cast.  Ace Marrero and Katie Stegeman are a perfect math for each other and have amazing on screen chemistry.  It is this chemistry that makes the film work so well.  With a story this simple you need characters you can believe.

The story for this one is one that is extremely simple and easy to follow.  The fact the cast and crew was able to make a feature film consisting of a man talking to a bunch of trees and is able to hold the viewer’s attention is a feat for sure.

Finally, the film does not offer any real on screen kills but we do get one dead body.  Blood and gore enthusiasts will not be happy with this film but someone looking for story will be happy.  Overall, Roadside is a simple hit that may not be appreciated by every horror fan.  Check it out just keep an open mind.



(Staff Writer) Lover of all things horror and metal. Also likes boobs and booze.

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