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New Vampire Film ‘The Dark Collective’ Launches Kickstarter Campaign

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Around here at Horror Society we get hit up almost on a daily basis to cover people’s indie horror films and we try to accommodate as many as we can. We do our best to bring light to the more serious independent films and the people who make them. One such film came across our desk, the new vampire film titled The Dark Collective from filmmaker Joshua Hall. Hall has launched a Kickstarter campaign to make his dream vampire film.

The Dark Collective is a new horror story of cops vs. vampires, think Lethal Weapon meets Lost Boys.

Writer/director Joshua Hall is prepping the film and has started a new Kickstarter campaign to help fund the movie. You may check out the Kickstarter campaign here:

Plot Synopsis

Peter Madison is rough and tough cop who carries the badge with pride but suffers from post traumatic stress disorder that has him popping pills just to stay sane. When we start the story his Captain has already given him several warnings for police brutality and he is on his last leg.

His partner Matthew Hill is an older, very strict, by the book police officer and family man. He is the father of two boys and has a wonderful wife. While his personal life is storybook perfect, his work life is the exact opposite. He can’t stand having the loose cannon Madison as his partner and he complains and complains to his captain, sadly for him, his complaints just aren’t being heard. This frustrates him even more so when Madison decides to take the law into his own hands.

While responding to an ordinary noise disturbance, Madison and Hill come across some very freaky and unusual individuals. This routine complaint call quickly turns into a fight, which leads to a blood bath and much bigger problem for our boys in blue.

The cast includes Lillian Lamour as Victoria, Andy Bhatt As Rickey, Joshua Hall, Alvin Smith, Ty Yaeger Jr. and John Machesky.

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For more information,



Michael Juvinall

I am a Horror journalist, producer, ravenous Horror fiend, aficionado of the classic Universal Monsters, Hammer Horror, Werewolves, and all things Horror.